So as you know the anticipation leading up to this appointment was overwhelming. I spent my week cleaning, organizing, reading, doing anything I could to make the time go by as fast as possible! On Friday I planned to sleep in as late as possible, do my nails, clean a bit, shower and get ready...that should get me to noon when Brandon would be home and then we would head to Greeley. Well by 11:30 I was just finishing up my nails and had to jump in the shower, so the morning went fast enough and I was even a little behind schedule! Brandon got home about 12:40, showered up and we hit the road. We were both a little quiet on the drive. Its such a crazy feeling, so much going through your mind. Finding out you are pregnant, seeing those two lines is incredible, life changing!! Finding out what you are having, whether is it early at 16 weeks, around 20 weeks or when you deliver your baby, is life changing all over again. That is when you find out what your first born will be. This will be a "big sister or big brother" to your other children. Once you find out, it is no longer "it" or "baby" you can call them by their name, if you have one, and he or she. The shopping starts, the dreams start, everything changes! So with all that going through our minds and had been for many weeks leading up to this we were a little quiet on the drive. I tried to talk about nonsense to make the time go faster but it didn't work. We got there and after a few minutes they called us back. The ultrasound tech asked if we wanted to know what it was and we both said YES! She put the goo on my belly and put the wand on there and I said "oh Brandon look at her little face" then immediately the tech goes, "Its a girl!"!! It was insane, I thought it would take a few minutes into the ultrasound to find out but nope it was right off the bat. It was so crazy how in that two seconds our life changed forever! We got to see her brain, all ten fingers and toes, arms, legs, kidneys, face, everything! It was by far one of the most incredible things I have ever seen in my life! The tech said she is in the 41 percentile so measuring a little small, "small like momma" they said. I said "well I hope she gets a little of daddys height!" She is measuring more towards 8/20 instead of 8/15 but they don't want to change my due date because "babies come when they want to" and its not a big enough difference to change it so She'll come sometime around middle to end of August :)
Baby girl just relaxing! |
Cute little hand! |
Look at that sweet face <3 |
After the appointment my loving husband agreed to take a "reveal picture" with me. So we pulled around to difference part of the parking lot, set the laptop up on the trunk of my car and took our picture. It was awesome getting to write "We're having a girl!!" on the chalkboard. My hands were shaking so much, it was hardly readable but we made do. After our photo shoot we went to Babies R Us to go shopping! We looked at carseats and found the carseat we want and confirmed that we still want the pack n play and front carrier we had originally looked at. We got a couple thing for her, I got her some bows and Brandon got her a zip up. He was adorable, he came up to me in the store holding this tiny zip up and goes "its 6 months, the smallest they have but can we PLEASE still get it" how could I say no to that! Baby Bash definitely has daddy wrapped around her finger already! As we were shopping this lady looks at me and goes "well look at you still rockin the heels, you look so adorable!" "I said oh thank you so much, I'm wearing them as long as I can, we just found out we're having a baby girl today!" She said "oh congratulations, I have two little girls and they are incredible you two are glowing!" It was so sweet. After that we pretty much told everyone we saw we were having a girl, including the lady at cold stone that night :)

I've had a few people ask about how we came up with Bashlyns name so here is the story. If you know me, you know I always have the next 10 years planned out, something I am working very hard to not do! I feel like Brandon and I have been talking about having kids and raising a family since the day we met! We have literally had bashs name picked out for YEARS! In 2009 Brandon was working in his tree trimming apprenticeship and he came to me one day after work and he goes "I have a girl name I want to put on the table but I NEED you to have an open mind to it and not shut it down right away because I love it" With that lead up I was really nervous, but agreed to have an open mind. He goes "Bashlin, like the tool company" I think I was silent for a good few minutes and said "I'll have to think about it" and that was that. I wasn't sold on it. I thought "bash has such a negative connotation, I don't know if I like it". I thought about it for a few weeks and kept saying it over and over and fell in love with it. I told Brandon I loved it and he was so excited, that became our little girls name! He wouldn't let me tell anyone though because he knew we would get negative comments about it so I had to keep it in for so long until now! We started talking about middle names when we found out I was pregnant and we knew we would give our boy Brandons middle name Joseph, its passed down through his family on his dads side for many generations. I said, well I love my middle name so I'd love to pass it down to our girl, so thats how Bashlyn Val Underdown came to :)
I talked with my doctor and she said I shouldn't fly after 34 weeks so I booked plane tickets home for June 3rd-June 12th and I'll be about 30 weeks. I cannot wait to fly home and see all my friends, I miss my girls so much!! I am glad I get to have more than a week home so we can do lots of coffee and lunch dates!
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