Well hello! Yeah I am still here, just being completely lame and not posting! In all fairness I have read 2 other blogs that have had 4-5 month "catch up" posts so I'm not the only one slacking! :) I honestly just felt like things here are pretty boring and same ol same old so I didn't know what to write about...sorry about that!
So my last post was in January, catching you up about our holiday adventures and working out of town. Since then, things have slowed down a bit. Brandon isn't working weekends anymore so we are back to the normal 50 hour weeks with class and upgrade class on 2 of the 4 weekends a month. Its a nice change of pace and its been nice not having to drive 6-8 hours a weekend.
The past 4 months has been filled with many memories. We got the incredible chance to go to Vail and go snowboarding with Chance and Jamie. We stayed the weekend up there and it was just so much fun. Bashlyn had her first day in the nursery up there ( and caught her first cold) and she did great. She was very busy and kept them busy the whole day. She was the youngest there at 6 months old but they said the older kids loved her! I really thought I would have a harder time leaving her but once I got on the mountain I was fine. Brandon had to peel me out of the daycare room because I was talking too much and being the crazy mom that acts like these people have never been around a baby before (whoops) ;) I knew she was in good hands, the men and women there were super sweet! After a full day of boarding we all went to the vail village and got the best tasting burger I have ever had. I don't know if I was just starving or it was really that good but I've been craving it since! It was a really fun weekend and I'm so glad we got to do it with such great friends. On the drive home we got stuck in 11 hours of traffic and that was pretty brutal.....
In February Bashlyn and I went home for a week and got to catch up with all our friends and family. Bashlyn got to meet her Mema and Pops for the first time. The first night we went there for dinner she was pretty cranky from traveling all day but then we went back a few days later and she was her normal happy self and had a lot of fun. We got to catch up with all our girlfriends, meet Baby Beck, play with Luke and the boys, and see little Whits belly before Racine arrived. It felt so good to see friends and catch up, it makes it hard to leave when you see everyone and miss everyone so much. We stayed with my mom and there were a lot of laughs and play time with Nana. Bash Stayed with Nana while I went to dinner for Codys birthday, of course I was texting my mom the whole time and she said Bashlyn slept the whole time! haha of course she did! Why does she always sleep when I'm gone?!?
In April I discovered there is Bountiful Baskets in Sterling. The crazy thing is, I checked when we got here in March and I didn't see a pickup location so I just assumed they didn't have it. I never even though to check again. I was getting my hair done and my hair lady and I were talking about produce and I said I wished there was a bountiful baskets here and she goes, "There is!" Turns out it came here in April of last year, so its pretty much been here the entire time I have been struggling to get my produce from Walmart or making the 2 hour drive into Costco. Anyway, now that I know there is one here, I am completely obsessed. I love it. Its changed how we are eating 110%. I used to pack chips in Brandons lunches and he would go through a bag a week. Now I pack fruit and veggies! My husband is eating (and asking for) grilled chicken salads for lunch and dinner. Chicken stir fry with more veggies than chicken is a huge hit and Brandon cleans his plate! He's snacking on carrots, celery, cucumbers, strawberries, grapes, apples, nectarines and bananas during work. If anyone knows my husband, you will understand how HUGE this is!! He is eating MUSHROOMS! :) We're eating tons of mangos and I learned I love artichokes! I just love how much this is bringing new foods into our home and really making us feel great because we are putting great food into our bodies!
Bashlyn of course is keeping us very busy. She is crawling all over the place and literally climbing the furniture. She is starting to get separation anxiety so she has full on melt downs, tears streaming down her face, whenever I leave the room. I feel terrible but I do have to pee at some point during the day! I really really REALLY hope this phase passes quickly. I love that she loves me so much but I hate that she gets so upset, poor girl. We are currently working on night weaning too. I've tried this once before but she was teething and I felt bad for putting her through too much at once so I stopped. Now she has 8 teeth so I think its a good time to try again. Its going ok, we've definitely made some progress. She's still waking up 3 times a night but the first two times I can just give her her paci and she goes back to sleep instantly. Around 4:30 it gets rough and she really wants to nurse but I'm trying not to give in. I'm hoping with night weaning success will come sleeping longer periods which means longer in her own bed. Right now she sleeps the first half of the night in her bed and usually comes to bed with us around 1. I admit, I'm trying to sleep train her AS WELL AS me. I sleep so much better with my little babe snuggling me. <3
Well heres our quick little catch up, thanks for hanging in there, sorry it took so long! Talk soon <3
"Your journey has molded you for your greater good, and it was exactly what it needed to be. Don't think that you've lost time. It took each and every situation you have encountered to bring you to the now. And now is right on time"
Our Home: Piper

About Me

- Astra Val
- Coeur d Alene, ID, United States
- I'm Astra, I married my best friend on July 28th 2012 and August 4th moved into a 23 ft travel trailer. I am currently traveling around the country with my husband as he works on the power lines. I am learning a lot about life on the road, traveling from RV Park to RV Park in a 5th wheel. I am extremely happy in life right now and am just enjoying every minute of it! I graduated from Lewis & Clark State college with my BS in Managerial Accounting. I have put my career on hold but it is all worth it to be with my husband. LIFE IS GOOD!
ReplyDeleteI am so glad I found your blog! I just got sucked in and spent the last few hours reading every blog post. I laughed (Sleeping in 'Hotel Altima', walking up all those stairs while you were pregnant!", I cried (The story of your daughter being born, Brandon's crew members being injured right before your wedding), it was great insight into life on the road with your lineman! Thank you for being so open and honest in your blog!
I found your blog when I was researching the NWJATC apprenticeship. My boyfriend graduated from NLC in December. It was been a real roller coaster. He really excelled at school. Got every award, everything came naturally to him, he really loved the experience and was excited to start a apprenticeship. But now the application process has been draining!
He was invited to test for Idaho Power's PreApprenticeship while he was still in school, went through the first round but didn't make it to the second round, which was fine because he was still in school and we knew he'd get it the next time! The next time to apply came around and he didn't get invited to the first round that time. Then he applied for PG&E's PreApprenticeship, passed some tests, failed the "personality test". What? Applied for multiple utilities and always get the "thanks for applying" letter. He just had an interview with NWJATC which we thought would be "it"! This was the one everyone told us to wait for and hope for. He ranked 129. Ugh.
I sounds like it took Brandon 3 years to get his chance to go out with Mountain State, my question is what do you do to keep yourself from going crazy waiting that long? And do you or Brandon have any advice for Bill (boyfriend) that would make him more hirable? He's signed groundman books all over Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah, and Northern California hoping to get some groundman hours but those books aren't moving very fast.
Any advice that you guys might have would be so appreciated! I look forward to continuing to read your blog and learn more about the "linelife!"
Hi Alicia!! I'm so sorry it took me so long to reply, I never got the notification about this comment! Thank you so much for your sweet comments about my blog. Its been such a fun, emotional roller coaster!!
ReplyDeleteI can COMPLETELY understand the frustration with trying to get into the trade, been there, done that! I can tell you its going to be 10 times harder to get on with a utility, they just don't have as many apprentice openings. Also there isn't much work in the NW so its taking their apprentices about 5 years to complete the apprenticeship because its takes so long to get hours when there is 5-7 months of layoffs each year :( I would recommend trying with mountain states. Its a great program and they have a lot of work year round. This is a great time to get into for interviews, they are really ramping up work for the summer. They usually keep indenturing guys until late September.
It was hard and there were times we doubted if this was what he was meant to do during those trying years but the day he got the call, it made it ALL Worth it. If this is what Bill really wants to do, don't give up! Keep signing the books for groundman, Local 111 in Denver, CO seems to have a lot of work. Its great he's already in the Union, that will look great in an interview. Don't get down about NW! My best advice is to apply to mountain states and interview with them!! http://www.mslcat.org
If you want, friend me on Facebook so I can keep up with your journey!