Today marks a week we have been in Carlsbad, NM. It is a little different than I had thought it would be. When Brandon tells me we are moving the first thing I do is get on google maps and see where we are going. The second thing I do is see what kind of stores and shopping there is :) I googled Carlsbad and it didn't seem too bad, it had a Walmart, target, little mom and pop shops, I thought I would be able to handle it and make the best of it. What I didn't expect when the address for our RV park says "Carlsbad, nm" It really meant 21 miles outside of Carlsbad. I am smack dab in the middle of two tiny towns that are over populated. 20 miles to the nearest town. Being in Brandon's truck I don't like to make a habit of driving 40+ miles in a day so I have decided to only go to town once a week for groceries. Planning a weeks worth of meals is something I have never done but I am getting the hang of it. I have been preparing different meals I find on the internet, some turned out great and some went right into the trash, thats how the first year of marriage is supposed to go right? haha. I have been having fun with it though, I have made a few pork dishes and I hadn't really fixed much pork in the past. I think cooking and trying new things is fun. I have been baking away as well with my kitchen aid mixer and love it!! Every girl needs one in her kitchen, it is simply amazing!
I started another 8 week challenge yesterday, I just love these challenges, nothing has kept me more motivated than these, I think it is because we are doing it with a group and everyone is going through the same things. I started doing Body-rock as well. Its a channel I found on youtube of all living-room based workouts and they are FREE. They are so good too, I could barely get out of bed this morning!! The internet here, while it is free, is crappy. I have to let the workouts load the day before so I can do them the next day. Its not fun to be in the groove of working out and then the video has to "buffer", kinda kills my motivation! I have been running again too, I love running and I am so thankful I can do it again. I found this dirt road right off the back of our RV park that goes to the edge of Brantley Lake, its kinda dried up now but its still a body of water. The road goes through tweeds and can be a little creepy. I packed my pepper spray on one hip and my iPod shuffle on the other, with one ear bud out so I could still hear what was going on around me. I told myself yesterday I had to be tough, there is nothing out there that is going to get me. I did pretty well, I ran for 30 minutes and didn't see anything but the dirt road, peaceful quite fields and a couple of HUGE bugs, but they kept to themselves. Today was a different story....I was running along, I went on a different path that goes off the road, I was about 19 minutes into my run and I see the biggest snake I have EVER seen in my whole life. It was so big and had like a cream colored tip so I think it may have been a rattle snake I don't know, I screamed and turned around so fast I am sure I sprayed it with my dirt and dust as I ran away....needless to say I ran back in 6 minutes and my heart rate monitor was beeping at me because my heart rate was 195 the whole way back. ahhh I was so creeped out, I am still creeped out just typing this. I may take a day off from running tomorrow....
Brandon is working 6 days a week and has a 1 1/2 hour drive each way to show up. It pretty much makes for 14-15 hour days for him. I feel so bad for him, he is just exhausted and then on his only day off he has to do homework :( I just keep telling him it wont be like this forever and try to help as much as I can. I have a lot of free time to myself so I have been reading a lot and I am going to get some supplies to get some crafty stuff done next time I go to the store. I want to get this place decorated, get some stuff on our walls and make it a home!
"Your journey has molded you for your greater good, and it was exactly what it needed to be. Don't think that you've lost time. It took each and every situation you have encountered to bring you to the now. And now is right on time"
Our Home: Piper

About Me

- Astra Val
- Coeur d Alene, ID, United States
- I'm Astra, I married my best friend on July 28th 2012 and August 4th moved into a 23 ft travel trailer. I am currently traveling around the country with my husband as he works on the power lines. I am learning a lot about life on the road, traveling from RV Park to RV Park in a 5th wheel. I am extremely happy in life right now and am just enjoying every minute of it! I graduated from Lewis & Clark State college with my BS in Managerial Accounting. I have put my career on hold but it is all worth it to be with my husband. LIFE IS GOOD!
Your blog is the answer to my prayers!!! My fiance is also a lineman and works for a tranmission contractor here in Texas ... even though we are in the same state, he is still 6 hours away with NO set schedule, which means we get to see each other twice a month for two days ... if we're lucky. He went to Northwest Lineman College back in 2010 and this is has been our life ever since! It is such a struggle everyday to stay positive and be supportive, as much as I'm so proud of him and overjoyed that he is following his dreams, it is definitely the hardest thing I've ever had to do ... and the most emotional!!! I think right now the hardest part is planning a wedding without him here! I feel very alone, and my wonderful friends and family try to understand, but I know that no one really gets it. Everything you write is everything I have felt at some point! I just want to say thank you SO much for starting this blog .. it is TRULY inspirational and even though I don't know you, it helps me get through the day knowing I have a "friend" out there in Carlsbad that UNDERSTANDS! <3
ReplyDeletePS: You and your hubby are absolutely adorable!
Aww Emily This is the sweetest message I have ever received. I am crying reading it... Thank you so much for taking the time to read it and comment. I know all too well how it is planning a wedding without your husband to be there. The dreams you had of going cake tasting, picking things out together, all vanish because he is not there and doesn't have the time. I can tell you when your wedding day comes it will make it ALL worth it, seeing him waiting for you as you walk down the isle....ahh! It is the most emotional journey I think we will ever take and very few know what it is like. When are you getting married? Are you going to be able to go on the road with him after the wedding? I look forward to getting to know you better Emily, thanks again!
It has been kinda ROUGH so far! We have our church and reception site booked for March 29, 2014 ... I am just SO excited and we do have a lot of time so we decided to try and schedule important things for when he will be able to be here! I know the little details he won't be able to be apart of ... but you are right, I know it will be all worth it!!! He is currently just working for a contractor and not in an apprenticeship program, which honestly makes it so much worse because I feel like he's just WASTING time and not being able to work TOWARD something! In Texas you have to go through the Texas Electrical Cooperatives Apprentice Program ... but he has to be employed by a Co-op here first. So the first step is trying to find a job with a Co-op and then he will be able to start the program. As far as going on the road, I just don't know. Before we got engaged we seriously considered it were even about to buy a travel trailer, but I decided it would be better for me to stay here and work. I'm really hoping he will be able to find a job with a Co-op somewhat close to our hometown so that he can do his apprenticeship here. Just gotta have FAITH! Between that process, paying off school debts, planning the wedding, buying a house and me starting my career ... it is just all I can do to keep from losin' it! haha ... but I am just really happy that I found your blog and to know that we're not the only ones in this crazy boat! You are right, very few people know what it's like, I think the only ones who understand would be military wives, and bless their sweet hearts, I don't think I could ever do that. My struggle is reminding myself to thank God for the positives ... Shane has a great job in our home state which provides us with a good life, I just have to remember that it could be a lot worse! I'm glad to be apart of y'alls Facebook group ... I think being able to see that there a lot of strong women from all over that go through the same things I do, will definitely help me out!!!
ReplyDeleteOh sweetie, he is not wasting his time he is gaining work related experience which will help him get a job with a co-op quicker. Is your fiance trying to go union or non union? Have you thought about going through a different apprenticeship like Mountain States JATC or Cal/Nev JATC These are great programs and the pay is a lot better than in Texas. He would have to be on the road but sounds like he might be on the road anyway.... just a thought, its always good to keep your options open. I know how it feels not wanting to leave your job and your life at home, that was the hardest part for me too. I really enjoyed working and had a great life at home. I still struggle with it but I really am happy getting to be with Brandon every night.
ReplyDeleteYou are so right ... he really is gaining so much work experience and we are very blessed that he has a good job that he loves, especially when so many people are out of work. See this is why I'm so happy to have found this group! I'm so glad to have a support system that understands the ups and downs but can still be positive!!! :)
ReplyDeleteAs far as union/non union or looking for work in other states ... we honestly have not explored many options. Of course, I would love for us to be safe and sound in our little hometown with our families ... but I know that's something that might not be realistic at this time. Shane is a typical lineman gypsy ... so I think if he knew I was on board with venturing out of Texas he would definitely be looking at ALL options. I've been reading yours and Cayla's blogs since yesterday and you both have really inspired me to go on the road with him after we get married. I am seeing it in a whole new light ... it's like a 4 year adventure with your best friend!! It is still quite a ways away ... but I think that in order to be the wife and person I want to be and have the marriage I hope to have, I have GOT to take a leap of faith!!! :)
You really should look into going to other states for a few reasons. It sounds like it will be easier to get an apprenticeship with a JATC and the pay is A LOT better than what I am seeing in Texas. It can be a struggle and some days are really harder than others but it is so worth it. It is A ONCE in a lifetime adventure for you and your hubby. If you ever have questions about the JATC and other options or if you Fiance wanted to talk to Brandon he would be more than happy to talk to him. Just let me know, good luck!!
ReplyDeleteI have read through your blog. And I will tell you it is WORTH it in the end and at times even when they are done the challenges keep coming your way. My husband just finished his apprenticeship this past May. He was in a 4 year program working for a utility here in Arizona. It was the longest 4 (actually 6 years with the pre-apprenticeship) of our lives. We thought maybe life could start but because of the economy there are not as many jobs in the metro area where he served his apprenticeship. So a place where we have moved our life to, I work as a RN, we have friends and family, we found out a week ago we have to leave :( It stinks but it will be an adventure! We are blessed enough to get to stay in Arizona, we just have to move a few hours away.
ReplyDeleteThe one thing I can say about my husband is that I am proud of the man he is and the passion behind his work. He works so hard for us, as I type this I think he is finishing up a 15 hour day. Not many wives would give up everything to travel around and be with their best friend. You are AMAZING Astra! Enjoy this adventure, stay away from snakes and have a blast decorating! If you ever end up in Arizona let us know :) Oh and I agree everyone needs a kitchen aide (in fact I need a new one, burned up mine making divinity!)
Thank you Aymee, it is so nice to know there are others that know what we are going through. I know it will be worth it and it is getting easier as the days go by and I develop and settle into my new lifestyle. I am sorry to hear you have to move but I am glad you get to stay in AZ. Thank you for the nice comment,