When we found out Brandon was going to be testing in June we were so excited. I of course wanted to start making tons of plans but didn't. The journeyman tests is 3 written tests and a pole yard test. The 3 written tests you have to get a 75% or better and the pole yard is pass or fail. During the pole yard you will take on 3 roles, the foreman, where you are completing your own task and using your crew (lineman and groundman) to help you complete it, the lineman (where you are doing what the foreman tells you to do) and the groundman, where you will just be the grunt. You can be failed on anything done wrong during any of the 3 roles. You can also be failed if the foreman tells you to do something and its wrong and you don't tell the instructor its wrong. You can be failed if the lineman does something wrong and you don't tell the instructor. So as you can see there are A LOT of ways and chances to be failed during the pole yard and there is no second chances, you fail and you will be waiting 2 months to take it again, IF the invite to test again is even offered to you.
In this trade there are union companies and apprenticeships, IBEW, like Brandon completed and there are non union companies. Non union companies can put on their own apprenticeship, have their own standards and their own level of "A" "B" Lineman. A non union lineman that wants to be able to work out of the union hall has the right to challenge the Journeyman Lineman test. If he passes this test he will be a Lineman and he can sign book 3 at the union and go to work for a union company ( most of the time, some locals are different and he can sign book 2). He will be considered a white ticket, it means he challenged and passed the journeyman lineman test but he DID NOT complete a union apprenticeship. The only way to get the golden ticket and be a journeyman lineman is to go through the 7 step (or 6 step utility) apprenticeship. A lot of older guys, guys that have been in the trade for 20+ years don't want to put 3-5 years into an apprenticeship so they just test out, get their white ticket and go on their way.
On test day for Mountain States there were 6 guys testing (4 non union and 2 mountain states), 5 were doing pole yard and 1 was retaking a written portion that he had failed previously. The guys all drew their numbers and Brandon was paired up with a guy testing for his white ticket. Brandon did his task first and everything went smooth, took about an hour. Then it was time for the other guy to do his task and it got a little messy. He had been doing linework for many years but unfortunately he just wasn't up to speed with all the new safety regulations and made some poor choices. A couple hours later it was time to meet with the instructors and talk about how the tasks went. Brandon had to say everything the guy had done wrong, because if he didn't they would fail Brandon. It was nerve wracking because what if Brandon missed something or he forgot to mention something that happened 3+hours ago! As you already know Brandon passed and everything went well but this is some insight as to why we just couldn't make a single plan until after test day. There is just so much that goes into the test and its not just on YOU, its on your pole partner too.
We had decided that if Brandon passed we would work the following week. We wanted to be able to take our time packing up and cleaning everything since we hadn't moved in over a year. Let me tell you, its incredible how much stuff you can accumulate in such a small space! We were also paid up with our rent until the end of the week and it would be nice to get one Journeyman Lineman paycheck so we tried to do the practical thing and stay the extra week, how hard could that be? Well it was HARD! I had the whole 5th wheel packed up, washed up and ready to go by Monday afternoon and Brandon was hooked up Tuesday. We really wanted to leave Wednesday to get home Friday Morning but Brandons crew was in transition trying to get a new apprentice so they needed him to stay.
Wednesday night the tv started flashing that there was a tornado warning for our county. This usually happens once a week and we never even get rain. I had stopped even paying much attention to them all at this point. Brandon said to me " wanna head out, looks like theres a bad storm coming" and I said "no they do this all the time and we never even get rain!" As soon as I said that the tornado sirens started going off. I looked at Brandon and I said "what do we do" and he goes "I don't know!". We didn't know WHAT the sirens meant, did we have 5 minutes, did we have 20 minutes....no one knew. Everyone was coming out of their trailers and looking at the sky. It was the weirdest sky I've ever seen. Different layers of clouds and so dark but then some areas were really bright. The manager of the rv park started running around the park telling everyone "the safest place is in the showers, get to the shower house" As soon as we started making our way up to the showers the wind started coming so bad. The whole rv park is sand so it was just a mess, we were running for the showers and covering our eyes and Bashlyns to try to protect them. There were about 20 other people up there and I was really started to get nervous. Then the police and firetrucks started coming through the park talking on their loud speakers 'Tornado has touched down 5 miles away, get to the showers, do NOT stay in your trailers" Thats when I got a lump in my throat and tears on the brim of my eyes. I was scared, I couldn't believe this was happening the day before we were leaving and I didn't feel like we were in a very safe place, but it was the safest place we had. Everyone was tracking the storm on their phone and when it was right over top of us it was bad. There was rain so hard and wind blowing in every direction. The trees were blowing into each other and it was pitch black. We stayed up there for a little over an hour until it passed and then we were able to make our way back to the trailer. There was talk of a second big storm coming through but it wasn't a tornado.
After that crazy ordeal we were ready to get out of there. We hit the road the next day after Brandon worked at about 4:30 for our big 18 hour drive. We wanted to drive as much as we could through the night so Bash would sleep. We stopped in Casper, Wy for Subway and Brandon said he was feeling good so we both got an XL soda (40 ounces) I know how terrible but I needed caffeine. I drank mine and was feeling awesome....wired in fact, I could have drove until 1-2 am! Brandon called me at 11 and said he hit a wall, he was so tired and needed to sleep. My exact response was "well thats too bad cause I'm WIRED". That didn't matter, we pulled over and tried to sleep. Brandon and Bash slept like little babies...I on the other had was jacked! I slept from 11-12:30 and then I couldn't sleep anymore. I woke Brandon up at 2 and asked if we could get going cause I couldn't sleep, he said he wanted to get 4 hours of sleep. So I waited and waited until 3. We were on the road by 3:20. Everything went great. Bash slept pretty much the whole time. She never cried. She would wake up and play when we stopped for fuel and lunch and then take another snooze when it was time to go. We stopped in Missoula and caught up with one of Brandons friends. We made it into town about 8pm on Friday night. Our reservation at the RV Park didn't start until Saturday so we went to none other than good ol walmart to sleep for the night. I fell asleep immediately and gosh my bed has NEVER felt better! I gotta say its such a tease to be SO tired, following your bed for 18 hours, lol!
Since we've been home we've just been hanging with friends and family, loving Idaho and relaxing with not a stress in the world! Friday I get to throw Brandons top out party and I am super excited!
Talk soon!
"Your journey has molded you for your greater good, and it was exactly what it needed to be. Don't think that you've lost time. It took each and every situation you have encountered to bring you to the now. And now is right on time"
Our Home: Piper

About Me

- Astra Val
- Coeur d Alene, ID, United States
- I'm Astra, I married my best friend on July 28th 2012 and August 4th moved into a 23 ft travel trailer. I am currently traveling around the country with my husband as he works on the power lines. I am learning a lot about life on the road, traveling from RV Park to RV Park in a 5th wheel. I am extremely happy in life right now and am just enjoying every minute of it! I graduated from Lewis & Clark State college with my BS in Managerial Accounting. I have put my career on hold but it is all worth it to be with my husband. LIFE IS GOOD!
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Monday, June 16, 2014
Journeyman Lineman Test!
I am SO excited to be writing this post so I apologize in advance for the excess use of exclamation points and smiley faces!! :)
To be able to sit for the journeyman test with mountain states you have to be a 7th step apprentice. Brandon wasn't scheduled to turn 7th step until the end of June which means he wouldn't be able to test until August. After he went to Aprils upgrade class he felt ready and wanted to test. He emailed Don asking if he could test in April..as in 6 days away. Don said he would look at his file and see if they were able to step him early. They were not able to step him in time for April but they were for June! The countdown began until Friday June 13th! I knew it was friday the 13th immediately but I didn't tell Brandon....Tuesday before he tested he goes "I'm testing on Friday the 13th?!" haha I just laughed. As Cayla pointed out, it was also a full moon so it balanced everything out.
He didn't want me to tell anyone he was testing, aside from Cayla (thank you!! I COULDN'T have made it through without you and Brandon knows this :) ) and obviously the guys in his class knew, which I completely understand. There is enough pressure as is, he didn't need the whole world knowing. It was REALLY hard and I just wanted to shout it from the rooftops cause I was so excited! It was a long few weeks, the days seemed to drag and I thought we would never get to single digits until test day. Brandon practiced pole yard, did hookups on his whiteboard until the sharpie wore off from writing on it so much and always had a book in his lap. I don't know how he remembered anything with Bashlyn climbing all over him. We left the house a few times to give him some silence, going to the park or grocery shopping :)
Wednesday morning Brandon left to go to his hotel for studying and peace until the test. It was a little weird sending him off alone. Since we've been so far away from class for the last year, I usually always go with him to class or upgrade class so he doesn't have 4 hours of driving alone. Watching him drive out of the park, I knew the next time I saw him, our lives would be totally changed! I talked to Brandon Thursday and he said he got the best nights sleep he has in well...10 months! LOL! Not gonna lie I was a little jealous! My time will come though, someday I'll get a full nights sleep :)
Friday morning Bashlyn and I did our best to sleep in, take our time packing and drag our feet as long as possible before we left for the hotel. Brandon was able to get a late checkout so I just had to be there by 2 to pack up the room. We left about 10 and made it to the hotel around noon. We hung out in the hotel until 1:58. I decided to go to JC Pennys and look at everything in the store to distract me...yeah that took me a whole 22 minutes! Brandon was told by one of the instructors that if pole yard goes well, somedays they are all done by 1 and other days they are there until 6. There were only 5 guys testing so Brandon and I thought they'd be done by 3 with so few guys testing. I felt like I did ok stress wise (Cayla might disagree :P) until 3 came around and I hadn't heard from him. I didn't have a lot to distract me or do because I wanted to be right next to class so as soon as Brandon called me I could see him within minutes! Bashlyn and I went to the park, subway, starbucks, washed my car, the gas station and just hung out in the car, face timed with my mom but time was just not moving. By 3:30 I couldn't take it any longer and drove by class. Brandon saw me drive by and called me. He said they were just waiting on their tests to get graded and was hoping he'd know within the hour. 4:30 rolled around and still nothing. At this point I was about to have a breakdown, Bashlyn was DONE being in the car and I couldn't keep her entertained anymore. Tears of frustration, worry, pressure, nerves, excitement, they all started flowing. Brandon called at 5:32 and said "Journeyman Lineman" ahhh I started crying and said "I'll see you in 2 seconds!" I raced into the yard, jumping out of the car and giving him the biggest hug ever!!!
My biggest piece of advice to you linewives about to go through test day....Don't expect to hear from your man until 6 at night....it doesn't matter if there are 5 or 20 guys testing, it WILL be an all day thing. Save yourself some of the heartache and stress and just know it will be all day.
After we got the great news he passed, we made our way to Arvada for pizza and drinks. Chance was with Brandon in the afternoon while he was waiting for the test results, thank goodness since it took forever! We all went to Beau Jo's pizza and had delicious pizza, margaritas and beer. It was the perfect night, the best way to celebrate and just chill after the day. Thank you Chance for being such a big support, we can't wait to come see you while your home! Saturday Brandon and Chance were going to go Skydiving but the place he wanted to go in Denver was booked and the other place in the springs didn't answer their phone! I was bummed cause I know he really wanted to do that and it would have been so fun for him :(
I cannot even begin to express how proud I am of my husband. I met him shortly after he finished Avista Line School and I watched him apply for numerous apprenticeships with utilities and the JATCs. We drove all over the Northwest for orientations and interviews only for it to not turn into anything. The Day he got the call for Mountain States was amazing cause we knew he was "in" now it was just a matter of putting in the time until Journeyman. Well my love you put in the time and then some! During your apprenticeship you accrued 7,812 hours and 782 hot hours. You have worked your ass off, with great crews and some not so great crews, just trying to get through the day to day. You have excelled on every job and you are a hand guys would love to have on their crew. You have made great friends and brothers throughout your apprenticeship and I am happy to have those friendships for the rest of our lives.
Today you went to work for the first time as a Journeyman Lineman. At the end of this week we will be driving HOME to spend 3 weeks with our friends and family. Cheering our friends on through ironman, catching up with everyone at your top out party, spending the 4th of July on the beautiful lake and watching one of our great friends get married. We get to live LIFE with our friends and family, something we haven't been able to do in almost 3 years. Bashlyn and I are so excited to have so much time with you! Then we will make the big drive down to Southern Cali and start our next adventure! I love you so much and I am so lucky to have you!
To be able to sit for the journeyman test with mountain states you have to be a 7th step apprentice. Brandon wasn't scheduled to turn 7th step until the end of June which means he wouldn't be able to test until August. After he went to Aprils upgrade class he felt ready and wanted to test. He emailed Don asking if he could test in April..as in 6 days away. Don said he would look at his file and see if they were able to step him early. They were not able to step him in time for April but they were for June! The countdown began until Friday June 13th! I knew it was friday the 13th immediately but I didn't tell Brandon....Tuesday before he tested he goes "I'm testing on Friday the 13th?!" haha I just laughed. As Cayla pointed out, it was also a full moon so it balanced everything out.
He didn't want me to tell anyone he was testing, aside from Cayla (thank you!! I COULDN'T have made it through without you and Brandon knows this :) ) and obviously the guys in his class knew, which I completely understand. There is enough pressure as is, he didn't need the whole world knowing. It was REALLY hard and I just wanted to shout it from the rooftops cause I was so excited! It was a long few weeks, the days seemed to drag and I thought we would never get to single digits until test day. Brandon practiced pole yard, did hookups on his whiteboard until the sharpie wore off from writing on it so much and always had a book in his lap. I don't know how he remembered anything with Bashlyn climbing all over him. We left the house a few times to give him some silence, going to the park or grocery shopping :)
Wednesday morning Brandon left to go to his hotel for studying and peace until the test. It was a little weird sending him off alone. Since we've been so far away from class for the last year, I usually always go with him to class or upgrade class so he doesn't have 4 hours of driving alone. Watching him drive out of the park, I knew the next time I saw him, our lives would be totally changed! I talked to Brandon Thursday and he said he got the best nights sleep he has in well...10 months! LOL! Not gonna lie I was a little jealous! My time will come though, someday I'll get a full nights sleep :)
Friday morning Bashlyn and I did our best to sleep in, take our time packing and drag our feet as long as possible before we left for the hotel. Brandon was able to get a late checkout so I just had to be there by 2 to pack up the room. We left about 10 and made it to the hotel around noon. We hung out in the hotel until 1:58. I decided to go to JC Pennys and look at everything in the store to distract me...yeah that took me a whole 22 minutes! Brandon was told by one of the instructors that if pole yard goes well, somedays they are all done by 1 and other days they are there until 6. There were only 5 guys testing so Brandon and I thought they'd be done by 3 with so few guys testing. I felt like I did ok stress wise (Cayla might disagree :P) until 3 came around and I hadn't heard from him. I didn't have a lot to distract me or do because I wanted to be right next to class so as soon as Brandon called me I could see him within minutes! Bashlyn and I went to the park, subway, starbucks, washed my car, the gas station and just hung out in the car, face timed with my mom but time was just not moving. By 3:30 I couldn't take it any longer and drove by class. Brandon saw me drive by and called me. He said they were just waiting on their tests to get graded and was hoping he'd know within the hour. 4:30 rolled around and still nothing. At this point I was about to have a breakdown, Bashlyn was DONE being in the car and I couldn't keep her entertained anymore. Tears of frustration, worry, pressure, nerves, excitement, they all started flowing. Brandon called at 5:32 and said "Journeyman Lineman" ahhh I started crying and said "I'll see you in 2 seconds!" I raced into the yard, jumping out of the car and giving him the biggest hug ever!!!
My biggest piece of advice to you linewives about to go through test day....Don't expect to hear from your man until 6 at night....it doesn't matter if there are 5 or 20 guys testing, it WILL be an all day thing. Save yourself some of the heartache and stress and just know it will be all day.
After we got the great news he passed, we made our way to Arvada for pizza and drinks. Chance was with Brandon in the afternoon while he was waiting for the test results, thank goodness since it took forever! We all went to Beau Jo's pizza and had delicious pizza, margaritas and beer. It was the perfect night, the best way to celebrate and just chill after the day. Thank you Chance for being such a big support, we can't wait to come see you while your home! Saturday Brandon and Chance were going to go Skydiving but the place he wanted to go in Denver was booked and the other place in the springs didn't answer their phone! I was bummed cause I know he really wanted to do that and it would have been so fun for him :(
I cannot even begin to express how proud I am of my husband. I met him shortly after he finished Avista Line School and I watched him apply for numerous apprenticeships with utilities and the JATCs. We drove all over the Northwest for orientations and interviews only for it to not turn into anything. The Day he got the call for Mountain States was amazing cause we knew he was "in" now it was just a matter of putting in the time until Journeyman. Well my love you put in the time and then some! During your apprenticeship you accrued 7,812 hours and 782 hot hours. You have worked your ass off, with great crews and some not so great crews, just trying to get through the day to day. You have excelled on every job and you are a hand guys would love to have on their crew. You have made great friends and brothers throughout your apprenticeship and I am happy to have those friendships for the rest of our lives.
Today you went to work for the first time as a Journeyman Lineman. At the end of this week we will be driving HOME to spend 3 weeks with our friends and family. Cheering our friends on through ironman, catching up with everyone at your top out party, spending the 4th of July on the beautiful lake and watching one of our great friends get married. We get to live LIFE with our friends and family, something we haven't been able to do in almost 3 years. Bashlyn and I are so excited to have so much time with you! Then we will make the big drive down to Southern Cali and start our next adventure! I love you so much and I am so lucky to have you!
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