These last couple of months have been crazy! Brandon got offered to go work on another crew on the weekends down in Colorado Springs. Our original plan was Bash and I were going to stay in Sterling and Brandon would stay in a hotel with the other guys and be gone Friday through Sunday. We decided we didn't want to be apart and Bashlyn away from Brandon for 3 days a week so Bashlyn and I have been going with on the weekends. It makes for some pretty crazy weeks but we are getting into a routine now. Friday mornings I get us all packed up for the weekend and get the truck loaded up. Its amazing how much stuff you have to bring for 3 days! When we were going to Colorado Springs, it was about a 3 hour drive one way, now we are going to Pueblo and its about 4 hours. I drive because I know Brandon is so exhausted from working. Bashlyn has been doing great, pretty much sleeping the whole time, but sometimes she wakes up and Brandon gives her a bottle.
During the week he is usually home by 5 but he has homework to do and early to bed so the drive to the job with Brandon is great because it is a good chunk of time we get together, we can talk, catch up and reconnect. He leaves about 5:30 Saturday morning and is back "home" to La Quinta about 5:30 or 6. We usually go to dinner and then its straight to bed. Sunday is the same thing except I get kicked out of our hotel room at noon. I usually try to run some errands and then I head back to the hotel and hang out in the lobby until Brandon gets off work. The last couple of weekends have been great though. His foreman said I could come out and watch them work!! Bashlyn and I went out and it was just so cool, and reassuring to watch what he is actually doing. There is also another line wife down there so we've been hanging out, trying new sushi places and getting starbucks! Gosh I am TOTALLY getting spoiled!! Brandon is usually off work around 5 or 5:30 on Sunday and then we hit the road for the long 4 hour drive back to Sterling.
Its really crazy "being on the road" while on the road. I honestly never thought I'd be living out of a suitcase and hotels because I thought we'd always be in Piper. You can never "think" in this trade, always expect the unexpected. Its been a lot of driving, a lot of adjusting to our new situation and Brandon is putting in some major hours but its all worth it. He is getting such amazing experience and working with really great guys. He is getting hot time during the week and working transmission on the weekends, every apprentices dream! :)
Sunday we're headed to Castle Rock again. Brandon will be working on a HELICOPTER Job! Whoa…..he is literally going to be in a basket being pulled by the helicopter…he is stoked, I am stoked but a little freaked! It should be a two day job so we'll head down Sunday and he'll work a couple days (yay for being in a big city on my birthday!!) and then we'll head back to Sterling. He will probably work a day or two, then we pack up and head back to Denver. Brandon has class on the 21st and then the 22nd we fly out for New Jersey for Christmas! I swear we are going a million miles an hour!
Between class and working Brandon has only had two days off (Thanksgiving and Friday after) in like 7 weeks. He is incredible for all his hard work and I am so proud of him. Speaking of Thanksgiving, we had such a great time! We went to Denver to Chances Aunts house. Everyone welcomed us just like we were a part of the family! It was one of the best Thanksgivings we've had and I didn't have to cook! Bashlyn loves her Uncle Chance and was smiling like crazy to him. He even held her for the first time and he did great!! We are so lucky to have such great people in our lives. I am very thankful for the Brotherhood and the friendships we make, such a blessing!
"Your journey has molded you for your greater good, and it was exactly what it needed to be. Don't think that you've lost time. It took each and every situation you have encountered to bring you to the now. And now is right on time"
Our Home: Piper

About Me

- Astra Val
- Coeur d Alene, ID, United States
- I'm Astra, I married my best friend on July 28th 2012 and August 4th moved into a 23 ft travel trailer. I am currently traveling around the country with my husband as he works on the power lines. I am learning a lot about life on the road, traveling from RV Park to RV Park in a 5th wheel. I am extremely happy in life right now and am just enjoying every minute of it! I graduated from Lewis & Clark State college with my BS in Managerial Accounting. I have put my career on hold but it is all worth it to be with my husband. LIFE IS GOOD!