Wow I have a lot to catch up on so hang in there with me, this might be a long one! I took my one hour glucose test at 29 weeks. I got the call from the doctor a couple days later saying I had failed, I had a 149 and they wanted me 135 or lower. I was upset but not too worried because from what I had read, it sounded like a lot of women fail the one hour and go on to pass the three hour no problem. I took the three hour on a Saturday because I was leaving Monday to go home. It worked out well because Brandon had worked a outage Friday night so he got home about 8 as I walked out the door for my three hour. He was able to sleep without me being antsy to hang out so it was good for him :) The three hour test was pretty miserable. They draw your blood as soon as you get there, make you drink 10 oz of that NASTY sugar syrup and then draw your blood every hour on the hour for three hours. My arm was so sore from getting blood drawn from it two days before, I had to have them take it out of my hands for the last two draws. I was feeling pretty positive about the test though and just figured this was something I had to get out of the way. Monday morning I got the call that I failed the three hour and I have Gestational Diabetes. It took everything in me to get through the phone call and get all the information without crying. As soon as I got off the phone I just lost it. I was crying because I was so sad this happened. I felt like it was something I had done wrong and then I was scared "what does this mean for Bashlyn?!?" Thankfully Kelli and I were getting ready to go on a walk when I got the call so she comforted me a lot! I immediately had to go get a blood monitor and start testing the next day. So I had to learn how to test and get in the habit of testing 7 times a day while at home for the first time in 6 months! It was a little daunting and frustrating but now I have the hang of it. I test as soon as I wake up, and then before I eat and an hour after I eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I met with a diabetes specialist on Thursday when I got back and I feel a lot better after that. She said that this was nothing I did, its just how my hormones are affecting me during the third trimester and I didn't have it before. They tested my blood to see my sugars for the past three months and they were all in the normal range. She talked to me a lot about food and how important it is to still eat carbs to help baby grow but to eat everything in moderation. There is no immediate harm to Bashlyn and there is a VERY low chance I can stay diabetic after I deliver. It does increase my chances of being diabetic later on in life but I can easily control that by living a healthy lifestyle. Over all I think this is actually a good thing. It is helping me eat cleaner and make better decisions. Sadly I can't have very much pineapple until I deliver because its so high in sugar so I'll be eating one after delivery! ;)
I got to go home for 9 days and it was so wonderful! There is nothing I love more than Coeur d' Alene in the summer. It is one of the most beautiful places in the world and there is truly no place like home. I got to see so many of my friends and girlfriends. We went on walks, hikes, baby stores and it was perfect! My shower was beyond gorgeous and such a fun time. My friends put so much time and thought into creating the perfect day for me. I can't explain how it feels to have so much love for me and my baby girl! I sure am lucky to have so many people that care about me and are still a part of my life even though I am not there everyday. It was so fun to just hang out and talk with everyone, catch up and see my girls face to face! I love Facebook but there is nothing like getting a huge hug from a friend! Bashlyn of course got spoiled, she has so many clothes, toys, blankets, she is one very lucky girl!! I've been home for a few days and have everything organized and ready for her arrival. I'll post pictures soon! I cannot wait! 60 days until her due date and I hope it goes fast!!
"Your journey has molded you for your greater good, and it was exactly what it needed to be. Don't think that you've lost time. It took each and every situation you have encountered to bring you to the now. And now is right on time"
Our Home: Piper

About Me

- Astra Val
- Coeur d Alene, ID, United States
- I'm Astra, I married my best friend on July 28th 2012 and August 4th moved into a 23 ft travel trailer. I am currently traveling around the country with my husband as he works on the power lines. I am learning a lot about life on the road, traveling from RV Park to RV Park in a 5th wheel. I am extremely happy in life right now and am just enjoying every minute of it! I graduated from Lewis & Clark State college with my BS in Managerial Accounting. I have put my career on hold but it is all worth it to be with my husband. LIFE IS GOOD!